So my challenge to you, dear readers, is to find a child this week and read a story to them. Or tell them a story from your own childhood. I assure you, they'll be delighted. As an added plus, concoct a green eggs and ham recipe. Be creative. Don't just use green food coloring, be creative, come up with your own gourmet recipe. Then share it here. |
Would you like to read a book? Go to the shelf and take a look. You can read a tale of woe, You could find a place to go. You can learn to cook a meal, Or go swimming with a seal. I do not want to cook a meal I do not want to be a seal. I just want to sit right here With my earbuds in my ear. It would be more fun, just look, If you sat and read a book. You can listen and laugh At the tall Whistling Giraffe. Or you might cry and cry For Old Yeller who up and died. I do not want to laugh, I do not want to cry. Nothing about a giraffe, Not about a dog that died. I could read a book to you, I’ll make it fun and scary too, Or I’ll read it fast then slow, I’ll make it so crazy you’ll see How much fun reading can be. Okay, okay, just read to me, But I’ll be bored, you will see. Wait, this book looks like fun, It tells all about the sun. Then , my child, come right here, And bring your rabbit dear, You can both sit in my lap Listen to me read before your nap. First you must put down your phone, If you want to hear me drone. Oh, Mommy I love this book, On reading, I think I’m hooked. Tomorrow I will read to you My story-- or maybe two. Happy Reading! | Time for bed now, time to sleep, I do not want to hear a peep. Brush your teeth and go to bed, Turn out the light, lay down your head. You forgot to read to me! You have to read a good story. Here’s your reader from your school, Ten minutes a day is the rule. No, Daddy, you read to me! To read to me is your duty. Well, okay, just one story, One little book, now let us see… Here is How to Be a Good Sport: This book is easy and it’s short. No, I want Green Eggs and Ham, The one about the boy named Sam. I like that book so much, you see, It is my favorite story. No, no, please, not that one! We’ve read it so much, now I’m done! Yes, because I like it so, Now come on, try it, have a go. You can read it fast or slow, I’ll like it either way, you know. Read it with a funny voice, Or read it loud, it is your choice. Read it to me now, I plead, Get out Green Eggs and start to read. Listen to me now, my child, I’ll read about the things so wild, Goodnight Moon, I’ll even read, That is a sacrifice, indeed. Knufflebunny, Little Bear, Perhaps The Tortoise and the Hare. No, Green Eggs and Ham is all I want, so do not stall. No, I will not read that book, Now you must let me off the hook. I will read it by myself, Just go and get if off the shelf. Yes, now you can read, it’s true, I do not have to read to you. Every night I’ll let you sit And read your own story a bit. While I sit and watch TV And sip upon a nice iced tea. No, you must still read to me, I like to listen too, you see. If Green Eggs is not your choice, Then I will find another voice. To the library I’ll go To find a book you’ll love, I know. Do you like to read by chance About the Captain Underpants? We could read a Goosebumps book; They’re full of terror, gore and gook! No, I don’t like any of those That you have just proposed. I will tell you, child of mind, I’ll go to the attic to find My box of books I loved back when I was a child of six to ten. Full of stories I liked the best, Of dragons and brave knights on a quest. Of the spider who did spin A web so her pig friend could win. Stone Fox who gave up the race So Will and his dog could win first place, Children who lived all alone In a caboose they called home, Robin Hood, who was so brave But also somewhat of a knave. Now that’s a good idea, Dad. Find a book that makes us glad. Choose one that we both enjoy, Maybe about a dog and a boy? But now please turn out the light, I think I’ll forego the book tonight. |