Today is the birthday of Theodore Geisel, otherwise known as Dr. Seuss. He arguably did more for children's reading than any other author, teacher or researcher. Challenged by his editor to write a story using only 50 common words, he penned Green Eggs and Ham. Every year I taught Kindergarten, I issued my students a challenge. If they could read Green Eggs and Ham (Or Hop on Pop) by Dr. Seuss' birthday, they would get a copy of the book. And we would have a green eggs and ham meal. Every year, they met the challenge. And learned that they could now read real books. How exciting for a child! Today, I will read to students and I will donate children's books to my local café. I challenge you, dear readers, to do something similar, in the name of Dr. Seuss,to challenge our children to discover the joy of reading.
February 2024