Metaphor I The oak tree blooms Today-Easter Sunday, Creates seeds that become Acorns to nourish- Jay, squirrels, turkeys, deer. Acorns to root, Sprout and grow Into sturdy trees Themselves. Life regenerated. -MW Metaphor II Tiny caterpillar on a leaf, Alone, unnoticed, Crawls and chews, Chews and crawls, Grows bigger and bigger, Sheds its skin And grows some more, Until it is time… Finds a branch, Hangs from a thread, Still, as if dead, But then emerges, Transformed, Free to fly Heavenward. Miracle of Life. -MW An epigram a day: Gain and loss go hand in hand. For some it is the night that follows the light and for others it is the light that follows the night. Ecstasy is a blend of life and death. Life can't be changed, it changes. Change often brings unexpected change in its wake. Everything that is, is primarily intent upon being The miracle of life and death is beyond human ken. | A Paean to Life All life should be treasured! This I long did doubt. Years it took and growth Before my mind and heart Were sage enough to think so. All life's an awesome miracle And every living thing Reflects that glow and wonder that's beyond all ken, That comes and goes arcanely. That there are animals, Plants, bacteria, Life forms of every ilk, In endless variety, Cannot but awe and rapture! That water, air and earth Teem with complex life, That life adapts, evolves And thereby stays alive, Cannot but awe and humble! That humans can feel and think And replicate themselves, That birds can sing and fly, Elephants mate and mourn, Cannot but awe and puzzle! That spiders spin silk webs To catch their wary fare, That chickens lay their eggs And eggs bring forth their chicks, Cannot but awe and amaze! That flowers blush and smell And bless the earth with seeds, That acorns will be oaks And trees become a forest, Cannot but awe and silence! We cannot but stand in awe Of life's many mysteries. Describe what we can and do, Know we never will, But treasure life we can and should! -JM Piccogram: I do not worry about death, I do not know a heaven, I only know the life here and now. And that is my leaven. |
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. (unattributed proverb)
An Epigram a Day:
Genius dazzles, tenacity produces. Imagination is unburdened and unfettered cerebration. Assessments often assess the assessor more than the assessed. To train is not to educate. Educate don't inculcate. What is read will spread. To invest in education is to invest in the future. -JM |
December 2024