Solstice Afternoon On the nest lone osprey Looks out over gray Bay Watching, waiting…Does he know The days will soon grow longer The sun will shine stronger And soon his loyal mate Northward will migrate? Solstice Evening Lone shepherd on a hill Looks up into dark sky Watching, wondering…Does he know To a world weary and worn A child will soon be born First called a pariah Then a Messiah? This and every year Solstice again draws near We look past city lights Watching, waiting, we now know The days will soon grow longer, The sun will shine stronger, The Earth turn without cease To one day know peace? -MW | On this darkest night Shivering birds take flight, Flee the bitter cold E’er Winter takes hold. In our Winter, we Too from darkness flee, Turn from ceaseless strife Seeking hope in life. Yet soon the Earth will turn The days grow warm and long And with their joyful song The birds will then return. So as the bleak year’s done May we with hope now greet, Go forth in peace to meet, The new with voices one. May we wisdom and love, Goodwill and caring learn. And from our hatred turn To seek light from above. But first, this darkest night Let us be still, let us pause, Listen to nobler cause, And then go forth renewed,. Emerging from our night To seek the New Year’s light. -MW In Wintertimes of old When Earth grew dark and cold The people went inside. They sat by fireside, Lit the yule log bright To chase away the night. And o’er the years they learned That Earth forever turned And snow to Spring would cede. So we, in time of need, These times that are so rife, With discord, war and strife, Must look within to find The good within mankind The peace for which we yearn, Wait for the Universe to turn Witness again the birth Of Goodwill, Peace on Earth! -MW |
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December 2024