Solstice 2024
On this darkest Solstice night, Let us carry our own light. Light that shines from heart inside And brings solace to abide. Bring your light to those who fear, To those far and to those near. For those who are no more here, Light a flame to bring them near. On this darkest shortest night, Bring your warm comforting light. Hold it up to the dark sky, Lift it up to fly on high. -MW Dec. 2024 | On this beloved Earth we rant and rage, Beauty create, but also then destroy, And endless unavailing wars we wage. But then we also sing and dance with joy. To one another we show love and care, But also hatred and contempt we sow, And those, the few, who think and feel and dare Can but refuse themselves to stoop so low. As many seek to stir hate and divide, To focus on the I and less on we, We are helpless to do much but abide And seek ourselves to be humane and free. For then perhaps others may follow suit And join the search for kindness and for truth. -MW Dec. 2024 |

On the nest lone osprey
Looks out over gray Bay
Watching, waiting…Does he know
The days will soon grow longer
The sun will shine stronger
And soon his loyal mate
Northward will migrate?
midi 2017
Solstice 2020
The days wane cold and dark upon the shore
Of our beloved Bay where ospreys fly.
I watch the sun part slowly from the sky
And wonder what the new year has in store.
Will this, the longest darkest night dawn bright,
Bring freedom from disease, from war and strife?
Will it set us on a new path of life?
Will this, the coming year dawn dark or light?
Just as the endless turning of our Earth
From day to night, to dark to light again,
From storm to calm, from drought to welcome rain,
An endless cycle of death and rebirth,
May our health be restored, our worries stilled
May we return to peace and to goodwill
midi 2020