Goethe's Ginkgo Biloba
Yellow Leaf from Eastern clime Dieses Baum Blatt der von Osten
To my garden true Meinem Garten anvertraut
Speaks a hidden rhyme Gibt's geheimen Sinn zu kosten
That the wise ones knew. Wie's den Wisssenden erbaut.
Is it one live Being Ist es ein lebendig Wesen
That divides itself in two? Das sich in sich selbst getrennt
Or is it two who choose Sind es zwei die sich erlesen
As one to be true? Dass man sie als Eines kennt?
translation by JM and MW
Like Goethe's gingko biloba leaf, Mary and Joseph are of very different personalities, with distinctly different likes and dislikes. But they come together in shared values and pursuits, just as the garden is made up of many different plants that come together in a harmonious whole in the salad.
Mary is a retired Kindergarten teacher, who loves to garden and to write. She will be posting poems, essays and an occasional fairy tale on the often intertwined topics of education, gardening and Nature. She is the gardener, who sows the seeds and harvests the fruits. She has published three books, Winter Tales by Mary Wolf , The Osprey Nest, a chapter book for children ages 6-9,and Mighty Virus, a fun picture book for ages 3-8 about viruses under the name Mary Spidell and available on Amazon.
Joseph is a retired professor of German literature. He has published books in his field, as well as about his hometown in Romania. He has now turned to poetry, essays on the human condition, and epigrams. He is the salad maker, bringing together the various vegetables, seasoning them with many spices, and offering a healthy dose of vinegar. His many books may be found on Amazon under Joseph Mileck.
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