The month of February by the Bay,
And Spring is whispering it’s on its way.
Soft rustling leaves in the old live-oak tree,
I’m here, Spring says, just come out now to see!
Tulips, red and yellow, poke up their head,
Yellow oxalis decorates the bed.
White cherry blossom petals on the breeze.
Sneeze yellow pollen from acacia trees.
The mourning doves on warm deck softly croon,
The mockingbird composes a new tune
The robin chirps up in the apple tree
Around my head I hear a buzzing bee.
We welcome Spring, can go out and about,
But still we pray for rain to end the drought.
And listen for the call of the osprey
Announcing that she has arrived today.

Tulip trees bud pink and white.
Harbingers of Spring
Watching, calling from the nest,
Where are you, Rosie?
A chirp, one note trill, Then a full medley of song To attract a mate. |
Don't ask a fish to fly.
Don't eat what you can't swallow.
There is no up but for a down.
Life is a meld of chance and choice.
Work and play should share the day.