Rain and wind. In the middle of the night, Rosie fed the chicks. Gamma was left out and couldn’t crawl back under Rosie. She tried tucking him in but didn’t manage. With Bev and Calgal watching, he gradually weakened and died. Hypothermia. But was he weaker to begin with? There is disagreement here. He was noted for his wobbly head, facing backwards and falling on his back. Both adults looked at him, nudged him, then gradually covered him with nesting material. They also went a bit manic bringing in new nesting material and sticks for a railing.
While all were mourning the chick, an intruder flew over the nest. Rosie chased it off. Robin got a video and it was Rivet! Rosie did not make the intruder call but chirped. Still, she didn’t welcome Rivet to the nest. He flew off.
An amazing day, from grief to joy in a few hours.
An osprey takes some dried up sticks and makes itself a nest. The middle has a softer place, where osprey eggs can rest. Now, when they come. those osprey eggs are guarded day and night, By mother and by father—one sits while one takes flight. And in due course the eggs will hatch, the babies will be born, They stretch their wings and seek the sky, and strive to be airborne. One day, at last they take the wind and ride it from the nest. Some come to grief and some to joy; some fail and some are blessed. So, raise your voice to the lucky ones, who sail bravely through the air, And when you think of the fallen ones, be sure to send them a prayer. -Crow | Gamma’s Song I have a song unsung My life from me wrung A story never told For I have grown cold. But in my short life Free of danger and strife, I was well- loved and known The seeds of love were sown. Now my spirit may rise Into heavenly skies Where I will be free Free just to be me. But always to belong In memory and song. -Midi |
Video by Robin