Richie has been gracing us with his presence every night, perched on the ROV wires. We hope he is regaining his strength for the upcoming season. And that his presence will deter the corvids from intruding on the nest this coming season.
Poets in the Garden |
This is a page about the Whirley Crane Osprey nest in Richmond. CA. Its purpose is to provide information to those who are new to the cam. It also proffers osprey related poetry, songs and stories. If you have a poem or song or chart you'd like to see on this site, please contact Midi.
All writing and personal photos are the property of the authors and may be shared only for non profitable purposes. Courtesy would dictate letting this site know if you do so.
All photos captured from the camera are the property of and used by permission from the Golden Gate Bird Alliance. They are not to be copied from this site without permission from GGABA If you enjoy this site, please consider sending a contribution to:
The end of the osprey season comes when Rosie starts her migration. But for the WWOC, it extends a bit and ends when they hold their annual party. Rosie left unannounced this year. We really don't know exactly when. Richie has been gracing us with his presence every night, perched on the ROV wires. We hope he is regaining his strength for the upcoming season. And that his presence will deter the corvids from intruding on the nest this coming season. 2022 Fish Charts End of season is when our renowned Fish Matrix Master posts the final counts of fish caught and brought to the Whirley Crane that season. Below are the charts. One notable development this year was Rosie bringing in goldfish. We never did locate their origin. For more fish information, including comparisons to previous years, see the Fish Chapter (Sept. 2018) The WWOC annual gathering was held this year at Pt. Molate park, in honor of our dear departed Molate. It proved to be a wonderful location, a beautiful view of the Bay, the bridge and Mt. Tamalpais, great weather, and plenty of shade and space. There were more than 40 attendees, many of them new to the chat group, and all having a good time. Many more attended virtually on chat. The ad hoc planning committee: craigor, Robin, Dianne A(with husband) and midi.(with the Golden Osprey). Highlights were craigor's talk on the history of the Point Molate area, the hotdog mustard challenge, and the fish bean toss game. Clay, the educational director at GGAS, helped people make osprey headbands, and the GGAS director Glenn Phillips conversed with many chatters. The WWOC thanks the GGAS for their presence at our celebration of the nest. Craigor and brother Jeff created a large heart in memory of Molate. Campers were encouraged to add to the heart throughout the day. Seabiscuit decorated the nest quite imaginatively with materials she either found or had brought with her. After lunch came the finals for the fish toss then the music began. The DelPrado brothers craigor and Jeff performed, as did midi and seabiscuit, along with seabiscuit's friend Bobo and Benjamin's brass ensemble. Quite an entourage. I'll let the music speak for itself in the video curated by craigor. Video created by craigor from footage gathered from Robin, our videographer and designer, and various other chatters. To cap off a perfect day, an osprey was seen flying over the Bay by the beach just as the DelPrado brothers were singing about Richie. The osprey, most likely Richie, flew around, periodically starting to dive to catch a fish then deciding against it, for quite a while before finally heading back to his side of the Bay in Richmond. It is hard not to believe that he heard the music and came to investigate. At any rate, all welcomed his visit. The annual blowing of the conch took place for Rosie on her migration and perhaps already relaxing at her Southern beach. Note: Photos were being posted and reposted on chat the day of and after the party. I was unable to identify the source of each cap and therefore cannot give attribution. The photos are the property of the person taking the picture and should not be copied without their permission. I am assuming permission for this post only. We wish Rosie and Brooks a safe, refreshing stay down in Southern lands. We will watch for Rosie in early Spring. We thank Richie for showing up to our party and hope to see him on the ROV wires each night. May his talon heal and may he find many fish to eat this Winter.
Midiis a poet and writer of children's stories who has been watching the adventures of the ospreys on the Whirley Crane Nest in Richmond, Ca. for the past eight years. Archives
October 2024
The Archive will not let me keep posts except by date. So before 2020, the dates are not accurate. The subjects of posts before then are listed here:
June 2019 WWOC Glossary May 2019 Life of an Osprey in Nuce March 2019- chapter by chapter for years 2017-1019 February 2019- Rivet's Diary January 2019- The Nest October 2018- The Boats Sept. 2018- The Fish July 2018 In Memoriam andThe Red Oak Victory ship |