Then on March 2 in the early evening, Rosie arrived, heralded by a rainbow.

Rosie and Richie got right to it. They knew what to do. But Richie had other duties as well. His mate expected to be fed. Sometimes she waited patiently; other times, if he took too long, she called for her fish. Richie was a good provider. |
Over the Rainbow Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high, An osprey is flying, Soaring high in the sky. Somewhere over the rainbow, By the Bay, Rosie is flying home to us, Flying home today. She’s flying through the Golden Gate, And at the nest her loyal mate Will meet her. We’ll also hurry to the nest, To see our Rosie we love best So we can greet her. Somewhere over the rainbow Ospreys fly. They fly over the rainbow; Why, then, oh why can’t I? -Midi Rosie's Song to Richie Up in the nest, on Whirley Crane, Hang your head over, listen to the rain. Hang your head over, Richie, my dear Listen for my call, for I am near. Stay on the nest, my mate Richie Wait for me there, do not forsake me. I will be true to you, if you’ll be true to me, So do not fly over to the RYC. When I arrive, I have but one wish, I will be hungry, please bring me a fish. I do not need red, I do not need teal, But a quick CK will seal the deal. Hang your head over, in the misting rain, Wait for me Richie, I’ll soon see you again. -Midi | Rosie's Return An osprey flew to the crane Early one Spring day, Sat and chirped in the misting rain All the livelong day. Rosie, Rosie, my mate, Where are you today? How much longer must I wait, Are you on your way? Then when it had grown late, So dark he could not see, And he had not seen his mate, He flew to the RYC. Rosie, Rosie, my mate Where are you tonight? I am waiting here for you, Until the morning light. Late the next day from the west O’er the Bay Rosie flew. She went straight to the nest To find her Richie true. Richie, Richie, my mate, I am now here. But it is growing late, Are you somewhere near? Richie, fishing o’er the Bay Heard her loud and clear. So he flew straight away To his Rosie dear. Rosie, here I come, To you I will be true, We can make ourselves a home, And raise a family too. We now eagerly await A new osprey year. Watch for the couple to mate Eggs and chicks appear. Rosie, Richie too, Our own osprey, We are glad to see you Welcome back, today. -Midi |