Rivet’s Diary 2017
Mother’s Day, May 14 Day1
I hatched out of my egg today. I pecked and pecked and then I was out! My mother came over to look at me then she covered me with her body. It is warm and cozy in the nest.
Happy Mother’s Day, Momma.
There is another baby bird here. She hatched two days before me, so she is bigger than I am.
May 18 Day 5
Here comes Poppa with a fish. Breakfast! My big sister gets fed first. I open my beak and crane my neck but Momma only feeds my sister. Finally, she is full. Momma turns to me. I open my beak. She turns her head sideways and with her big, sharp beak, carefully puts a bite in my mouth.
May 20 Day 7
Momma and Poppa have to be careful walking around the nest. They have such big talons and they don’t want to step on us. Momma stays in the nest mostly so we can sleep under her. Poppa sits on the high rail to watch for intruders. When Momma calls him, he goes out to catch a fish and brings it to us.
Momma brought some new eel grass today. She put it in the middle of our nest. It is so warm and cozy. I think I’ll take a nap.
I am too big to sleep under Momma now. When it is cold, I snuggle next to Sister. She usually lets me if she is sleepy. Today, she put her wing over me while we were sleeping. But she doesn’t like me looking at her. I wonder why.
May 23 Day 10
Today, Poppa brought Momma a stick. She arranged the nest and made a railing to keep us from falling out. My sister goes close to the railing, but I like to stay next to Momma where it is warm.
After eating, Sister crouched down, lifted her hind end and shot out a long line of white poop. She just missed hitting me in the head. So later, I did the same. I missed her, but my poop shot was longer than hers.
Momma brought some new grass. It is soft and warm. After eating, my sister and I both took a long nap. She slept next to me and didn’t peck me once.
I can walk on my knees now. Hurray. Now I can get to the fish faster.
May 26 Day 13___
Today, Poppa flew in with a red baseball cap. We can’t eat that! Momma picked up the cap and flew away with it. She dropped it in the bay. Then Poppa brought a fish. He had already eaten the head. Momma fed us the tender parts. She ate the hard, stringy pieces herself. This time, she fed me more.
May_27 Day 14
My sister is still bigger. She can walk around a bit now. Today, she stood up and began to peck me on the head. She kept pecking. I didn’t know what to do, so I crouched down and pretended to be sleeping. She stopped then.
My sister keeps bullying me. She stands up and pecks at me. Now I fight back. But she wins and I crouch down. I think she does it when she is hungry. When she is sleepy, she comes over and lies down next to me. This morning, she slept with her head on me. That was cozy.
My sister has stronger wings now. She crawls out from under Momma and looks at the world. She flaps her wings a bit. She even walks around. I like to stay where it is warm. I suppose my legs and wings will get stronger too, when I am her age.
May 29 Day 16
We got up early and were really hungry. Poppa had a fish. He ate the head then he dropped the fish on the ground below. Momma was not happy. She yelled at him. Later, Poppa brought another big fish. Momma fed us. This time, I pushed in front of my sister and got the first bites. Then when she was finished, I went back for seconds. Now I’m full.
Momma just flew off.
I looked at my sister and she looked back at me, craning her neck. She had an evil look in her eye, like she was going to fight me. But then she lay down again, so I did too. I just want her to talk to me. Why does she want to fight?
Poppa came back with a red plastic thing. He pushed it into the nest by the railing.
We like to lie looking out at the bay. We can see sailboats, seagulls, even great big ships going by. One just blew a loud horn. But Momma didn’t call out so I guess there is no danger.
Sister is getting her feathers. They must be itchy because she keeps pecking at them.
May 30 Day 17
I was sitting next to Sister watching the Bay. I stood up to look at her and she looked back at me like she was saying “Why are you looking at me?” We fought a bit, but this time I didn’t back down. We stopped after a few minutes.
When we aren’t fighting, Sister and I like to sit next to each other. It is warmer that way.
Both of us have feathers coming in! Exciting but they sure are itchy.
Momma took the red plastic thing and pushed it to the edge of the nest. It blew away. I think Poppa likes red things. Momma likes sticks and other natural things, not human trash.
I just woke up. I went over to Sister to wake her up, but she wants to keep sleeping. I just lay down beside her. I don’t want to wake her up and make her mad.
June 5 Day 23
Sister has her feathers now. She looks so nice. I am getting my feathers in too. Today I found I could stretch my wings and flap them a bit. I am so proud. Of course, Sister can already do this.
Sister sits watching the Bay. She does that a lot now. Maybe that is why she isn’t picking on me as much now.
Momma was arranging the nest. She picked up big sticks and put them on the edge of the nest so Sister and I won’t fall out. I went over by her and I picked up sticks too. But I can only pick up little ones. Momma watched me and I felt proud. There is a red flag right in the middle of our nest. I like to look at it.
A quiet morning. It is sunny and not too windy today. Momma is watching quietly. Sister and I are lying next to each other, looking out of the nest at the view. Sister is being nice to me today. So when I needed to poop, I aimed it toward the Bay not toward her.
Momma pushed the red flag out of the nest.
June 6, Day 24
Momma left us alone this morning. It was okay; we just slept. But then a big bird came by. I was on the alert, while Sister slept. I had to guard the nest. Then Momma returned and she called Poppa. He came too, with a fish. They scared away the intruder then Momma fed us the fish. Sister tried to take bites from the fish by herself today. I let Momma feed me.
June 7, Day 25
Poppa brought a big fish for breakfast. Momma fed both of us then she flew off. I crawled over by Sister and snuggled against her. This time, she let me do it and didn’t move away. I even put my wing over her. It’s warmer when we lie close together.
There is a lot of activity by the humans below. They are making a lot of noise. It doesn’t seem to bother Momma, so I’m not worried. I like to watch them.
There is a big box that looks at us. When I needed to poop, I aimed right at it. Bulls-Eye!
June 8, Day 26
It’s raining this morning. Sister is sleeping next to Momma, but I put my head under her chest to sleep. If my head is warm, the rest of me is warm. I like to stay by Momma.
Momma brought in a wire fence. She put it on the edge of the nest. Is that to keep us in?
June 9. Day27
Now the fence is between Sister and me. Is Momma trying to keep us from fighting? But we don’t fight anymore. I moved around the fence to lie near Sister. She keeps me warm.
Poppa brought a fish. Momma fed most of it to me. Sister wasn’t interested. Poppa returned and stood by us. He wanted the fish. When Momma was distracted, he moved in and grabbed the fish. They argued a bit then Momma let him have it. He flew away to eat the fish in peace. I wish they wouldn’t fight.
My wings are getting so big! Every once in awhile, I have to stretch them out. Sister’s wings are even bigger. Maybe we’ll be as big as Momma and Poppa some day!
Sister sat against the wire fence watching. I lay by Momma. I’ll let her do the watching while I sleep.
Sister was pecking at the fence. Poppa brought a fish. It got caught in the fence. He flew off with the fish and the fence. Good! I didn’t like that fence.
June 12, Day 30
I am growing a tail! Sister’s tail is already long. She can walk on her feet now, too. When will I start doing that?
Momma and Poppa are on the boom of the crane yelling at an intruder. A big bird just flew over us. Sister and I crouched down so it couldn’t see us. Poppa flew after it. He will protect us.
Sister and I helped Momma move a stick. Later, when Momma left, Sister worked on the nest by herself.
Poppa brought in a big clump of seaweed today. Momma is trying to figure out what to do with it.
June 13, Day 31
Momma and Poppa are both on the boom, high up. Sister is flapping her wings trying to get up there too. Me? I’ll stay down here in the warm, safe nest.
My wings are so big now! I have trouble controlling them. Sometimes, I like to stretch them far out.
Sister came over to sit by me. I like it when she does that. We are watching the Bay, just like Momma and Poppa do.
June 14, Day 32
Momma returned to the nest and dumped a big pile of green slimy stuff on me. Why did she do that?
It’s cold tonight, so I tried to get my head under Momma. She dug a little hole for my head then she covered me. Now I am warm. Sister is sleeping by us. Poppa is keeping watch on the boom. He sleeps standing up. How does he do that? Doesn’t he get cold?
June 15, Day 33
My feathers are coming in. They itch a lot.
A lot of noise today from the humans below. Momma doesn’t like it and keeps yelling at them. I don’t like it either. It makes me anxious.
June 16, Day 34
Today was an exciting day. After our midmorning fish, a large human hand poked a stick into the nest. Sister and I flattened down like we’re supposed to do when there is danger. The hand reached into the nest and took Sister then me. Then all went dark. I felt myself going down. Then the hand took me out of the bag I was in and put something around my leg then around the other leg. It didn’t hurt. The hand put us back in the sack, I felt it going up, then I was back in the nest. Sister was there too. She had things on her legs also. We lay down and slept next to each other. Momma was screaming and flying around. Then she landed on the boom. There was hammering below and Momma yelled some more. Then she began to call loudly for Poppa. Finally she settled down. But she wouldn’t come to the nest.
Finally, Poppa brought a fish. Momma is feeding us and all is well.
June 18, Day 36
This morning, the humans made a lot of noise. They were on the ship talking and making music. It made me nervous. I was breathing fast and had to keep watch. It made me tired. Later, Momma came to sit with us and I felt better.
It was a hot day. Sister and I were panting.
The music went away and Poppa brought a fish. Momma fed us. The wind brought cooler air. All is well. Sister and I can sleep now.
Sister and I are so big that Momma sits on the railing near us instead of on the nest with us now. That is okay. We both have feathers and don’t get cold now. But I still like to sleep right by Momma when she is in the nest.
June 19, Day 37
Momma brought another net. She is trying to arrange it into the nest. She brought a big branch for the other side. Is she afraid that Sister and I will fall out?
June 20, Day 38
Today Sister stood up and spread her wings, then she flapped them. I watched her then I did the same. I can stand on my feet now too, just like she does.
June 22, Day 40
Poppa brought a little fish today. He just left it. Momma wasn’t there. So Sister took it and she ate it all by herself! At first, she had trouble pulling off the meat, but she learned. She ate a lot. I tried to get in there, but she kept turning away from me. I don’t dare push in, so I‘m just watching. Now I’m hungry! Oh well, I guess I’ll practice flapping my wings.
Sister finished. She looks tired. She lay down beside me and we are watching the Bay together. A big ship is passing. We watch it, but it doesn’t seem to mean any harm.
I can stand on my feet now! I wonder if Poppa will bring a fish for me. I want Momma to feed me. I’m watching for them.
Oh, good. Here comes Poppa with a fish. And here is Momma. Now I can eat!
June 23, Day 41
This morning, Poppa brought us a big present. It is a long purple stuffed snake with a red ribbon around its neck. I like it. After breakfast, I walked on it then I played with the ribbon. Momma is arranging it into the nest now.
June 24, Day 42
I like to sleep with my head on the snake’s head. It is soft. But then I go snuggle with Sister. She is soft too, and warm.
This morning, Sister was being fed. So I decided to go over by Poppa to practice my wingflapping. I am getting so good at it! I can even flap and hop at the same time. But my wing hit Poppa in the head and he flew off. Did I chase him away from the nest? I’m sorry, Poppa. I just wanted to show you what I can do.
June 26, Day 44
This morning, Momma brought a fish and left it. I went over to take a bite. But after one bite, Sister came over. She grabbed the fish and dragged it away from me. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood by her and watched. Why won’t she share? Momma came back and watched us, but she didn’t make Sister share with me.
Well, Sister is full and left the fish, so now it is my turn. I guess I won’t go hungry after all.
Momma picked up the snake and put it in the middle of the nest. I wonder why. The red ribbon is still on the edge of the nest, but I don’t play with it anymore. Sister is sleeping with her head on the snake. Maybe that is why it is there.
I am trying to sleep but Sister keeps waking me up with her wing flapping. Whoa, she actually lifted off! Maybe I should try that. Nah, I think I’ll stay here. It’s warm lying down away from the wind.
It is nighttime. I am trying to sleep. But Sister is trying to fly. She almost lost her footing and flew off the nest! Now she is walking around picking up sticks. She just banged me in the head. That is too much! Settle down, Sister and go to sleep. Ah, here is Momma. Now Sister will sleep. All is well. Momma will keep watch.
June 28, Day 46
I had a tug of war with Poppa over the fish. He wouldn’t let it go.
Poppa stands on the snake but I like to sleep with my head on it or next to it. This morning, I slept with my head on Sister instead.
June 30, Day 48
Sister and I can both eat by ourselves now. She grabs the fish and won’t let me have it. But today, I grabbed it first and I ate and ate. When she is eating, I pretend I don’t care and I practice my flying instead. Then I preen. Preening takes a long time. I have to oil each feather. And I have a lot of feathers now!
We are getting so big. We can feed ourselves and almost fly. Soon we will leave home. That’s both exciting and scary. I wonder if we will both come back to the nest to visit.
The snake is on the edge of the nest. We don’t pay any attention to it anymore. We are growing up.
July 3, Day 51
Sister just flew off and landed on the cable! I hope she can get back. Now I think I will try. I flap my wings but I can’t make myself go that direction. She looks like she is scared on the cable. I hope she can fly back. Oh, she just crawled back along the cable. Stay here, sister. Lie down next to me.
Sister flew off again. This time she landed below us. She is just sitting there. Can she get back to the nest? Oh, I am worried. Momma is sitting where she can watch both of us.
Sister finally got really hungry and flew back to the cable then to the nest. Wow! She can really fly now!
A lot of noise tonight. There were people below and their cars. That was okay. Then there were loud booms and flashing lights. I lay down and hid. Sister stayed up, watching. Momma stayed nearby to watch. And Poppa flew around, keeping us safe. Finally, the noise ended. Now Momma is on the nest and all is quiet. Sister and I are sleeping standing up tonight, the way our parents do. We are growing up!
This was a long, exciting day. Maybe tomorrow, I will fly.
July 4
Sister flew away early in the morning when it was still dark. There was a big whoosh and then she was gone. Where is she? Should I go join her? No, I think I’ll stay here. Momma came to feed me. That was nice. We are all watching and listening for Sister. Did Poppa fly off to go feed her?
July 5, Day 53
Sister didn’t return yesterday. I slept alone last night. I missed Sister’s warm body. Momma is keeping watch. Poppa brought a fish. We heard chirping. Momma and I
answered. Then Poppa took the fish away. I thought he was taking it to Sister but he ate it on the boom. When he brought the fish back, Momma fed me. I felt better. My crop is full so I’m not going to try flying. I will sit here and watch for Sister.
I tried flying after all! I flew to the boom. It was hard to stay there. But I kept at it. Then I flew farther up. And again. I stayed on the boom a long time. Finally, I got hungry and I flew back to the nest. I can land well!
July 6, Day 54
I am alone on the nest but Momma is nearby. I lie here watching the Bay and once in a while, my wings get antsy so I fly. I am getting so good at flying! I can soar over the Bay, turn and make an easy landing. I am not as adventuresome as Sister. I return to the nest each time. And then Poppa brings a fish! I wonder where Sister is and whether she will ever return? (not bird emotion, okay?)
July 7, Day 55
I spent the day in the nest. Momma stayed nearby. Poppa brought a fish several times. Sometimes, I flew up and around, but I came right back to the nest. I like it here. I am not in a hurry to leave. Momma seems to want me here too. She brought a lot of sticks to add to the nest. She even started making a new little nest up on the cable. Is that to be my very own nest?
Snakey is still in the nest. Sometimes, I like to rest with my tail touching him. Still no Sister.
July 9, Day 57
Every morning now, I stretch my wings and then I fly. I fly over the Bay then circle around and come back. Sometimes I fly with Momma. Then I rest a while or I eat the fish that Poppa brings. I can eat a fish by myself now, but I still have not caught one. At night, I stay in the nest. I wish Sister had done that. Snakey is still in the nest and I like to sit with my tail touching him. Now there is a yellow rope too.
July 14, Day 62
Today I left the nest in the morning and I and didn’t return until evening. I am becoming independent. Soon it will be time for me to leave the nest completely.
I love flying. I can soar above the water and go everywhere. But I always return home to rest. And to get a fish from Momma or Poppa.
July 18, Day 66
I was really hungry this morning. I kept calling for Poppa. Momma called too. He brought a fish, but he was eating the head on the boom. Finally he brought it to me. Momma tried to get some too, but I was too hungry to share. I tried to fly away with the fish to eat it on the cable like Momma and Poppa do, but it was caught in a wire mesh and I couldn’t carry it away. So I kept eating in the nest.
July 19, Day 67
Today, I was gone a long time. I went to fly with my buddies on the other side of the bridge. I had to fly a long way to get there. When I got back to the nest, Momma and Poppa were not there. I had to scream loudly to get their attention. Finally, Poppa brought a fish to eat.
Some days, Poppa and I fly together. I am learning about the Bay and how to fish. Momma watches from the railing by the nest.
July 31, Day 79
Every day now, I leave the nest early in the morning. I go out to fly around the Bay and visit my osprey pals. When I am hungry, I come back to the nest. Then Momma or Poppa show up and bring me a fish. I usually sleep in the nest all night. Momma and Poppa often sit nearby on the railing. We are still a family. And the nest is still my home. But for how long?
August 1, Day 80
Today, Poppa brought a new red thing. We haven’t had a red gift in a long time. But the wind blew it away. I wonder why he brought it? Is he trying to keep me in the nest longer? Or is it a good-by gift for Momma when she migrates?
I’m wondering if I should migrate. But it is so nice to come back to the nest and find Momma or Poppa with a fish to eat.
Last night, we all three sat on the railing by the nest to sleep. I can sleep on one foot now, just like Momma and Poppa.
August 11, 2017
I am trying to learn to fish but it is hard. I haven’t caught my own fish yet. So I fly to the nest and call for Momma and Poppa. If I scream loud enough they bring me a fish. When they do, now I tell them to go away then I shriek to keep all intruders away. That is what I am supposed to do.
Aug. ___
I spent more and more time with my pals up on the point. I can catch my own fish now, so I don’t come to the nest to wait for Momma and Poppa to bring it. I am fully fledged and ready to strike out on my own.
Aug. 20
Yesterday, I flew around with Momma and Poppa. Then I turned and flew off to migrate South. I left a wing feather behind for the humans watching below. I wonder what my new life will be like in the South? Good-by Momma and Poppa.
May 16, 2019
This Spring I decided to migrate back to my nest. I flew and flew. Finally today, I saw my nest on the crane. I flew straight to it and tried to land. But Momma screeched at me and wouldn't let me in the nest. I guess I have to go find my own place to stay now.
I have no home to call my own, No place to stay at close of day. For I have travelled long and far, Following my lone star. I once had a nest that I called home, A place where I was loved and known, Then I fledged and away I flew; Now I am just passing through. I flew down South all alone, To live down there on my own, To fish and fly every day, And to live the osprey way. Then I flew back to my nest And asked my parents could I rest. But they said no, that I had flown, And I was now on my own. | In the nest was a new family, There was no longer space for me. So now I just find my own way, Flying up and down the Bay. One day at a later date, I will seek my own mate, Build a nest and call it home, A place that is all my own. But for now I roost at night Wherever I happen to alight. I fly here and I fly there, At home nowhere and everywhere. -Midi 6/19 |